Sunday, September 2, 2007

I saw it in a movie once...

We're discussing the beer that has appeared in our refrigerator.

S: "It's German."


S: "It's from Munich."

[pause as we glance at each other, wondering what his point is]

S: [elaborating] "You know, that place where Arabs killed Jews...for once."



[recognition hits the rest of us]

All: [disgusted] "aaaaaawww...."

Seducing the Queen of Jordan

(K discusses his audience with the king of Jordan)

E: "I would *love* to meet Queen Rania . . . I think she could fall for me."
S: [chokes on mojito] "Excuse me?"
E: "I think she could, you know, fall for me."
S: "I think she's married to royalty."
B: "She's not asking her to marry her, just, you know..."
K: "...engage in a secret lesbian tryst."
S: "Oh, I saw a movie like that once."

[awkward silence]

K: "Did it last 18 minutes?"
S: [pause, then, declaratively] "I didn't."